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Is divorce education class mandatory in Minnesota?

On Behalf of | Jun 28, 2018 | Uncategorized |

For divorcing parents who have children together and cannot agree on custody or parenting time, also known as visitation, Minnesota law requires the parents to attend a certified divorce education program. Children may also attend a class or be ordered to do so by a judge.

There are 25 minimum requirements that these divorce education classes must include in order to meet the standards set by Minnesota Statute 518.157. Just a few of the things attendees will learn about, include:

  • The judicial process and proceedings
  • The impact of divorce or separation conflict on children and adults
  • Safety planning
  • Coping with personal stress
  • Positive communication skills
  • Emotional and financial responsibilities
  • Impact and realities of step families
  • Co-parenting skills

Some courses may be offered in person or online. To learn about approved classes, residents of Buffalo, Minnesota can visit the Wright county district administration.

So, is divorce education class mandatory in Minnesota? No. Parents can work with an attorney to negotiate a workable custody and visitation arrangement to avoid having to take a divorce education course. An attorney may also be able to help parents negotiate dividing assets or answer questions about whether child support payments can be modified after the divorce is finalized.

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